Before you decide to experience Dr. Hau’s chiropractic adjustment and education, consider the following:
1. How to know if I am eligible for Dr. Hau’s chiropractic adjustment and education?
Honest and sincere humanitarian endeavor from your heart is the most important prerequisite. Once you decide to start the process with Dr. Hau, you have to have a genuine burning desire and mentality to find out the root cause (not the superficial cause) of your current conditions in order to make positive changes in your life.
2. What is the time management of Dr. Hau’s chiropractic approach?
Experiencing Dr. Hau’s approach requires patience, discipline, and commitment. You have to accept the fact that you have to keep getting adjusted and educated in order to chase excellence and learn from life. Dr. Hau’s chiropractic approach will guide you and your nervous system through the journey of building your own health philosophy throughout your lifetime.
3. Why the young generation is the best candidate to start receiving chiropractic adjustment and education?
The young generation has been living in high-tech environment nowadays, which has devalued their health status. The earlier you get adjusted and get educated, the better you will understand how applying Dr. Hau’s chiropractic philosophy in your life will build a solid foundation for health, so you’re way ahead of the game.
4. Does Dr. Hau’s chiropractic adjustment require any mechanical therapeutic modalities assistance?
Only 1% of the approach will require modality assistance. Chiropractic means “The science and art which is done by hand, or one that advocates or does hand practice.” Thus, hands-on adjustment is always the most valuable chiropractic approach.
5. Are conditions from upper and lower extremities related to Dr. Hau’s chiropractic approach?
Yes. Your nervous system is responsible for your organs, muscles, and extremities’ functioning. If there are any spinal subluxations, they will interfere the signal quality from your brain to the above three destinations, which will affect the functions of your organs, muscles, and extremities.